SamLogic’s Newsletter Issues in 2016

We have an international newsletter that is targeted for our international customers where we publish information and news related to our products and our company. We send the newsletter about 1-2 times / month. In the newsletter you can read about:

  • Information about SamLogic Software´s products
  • Tips and tricks for SamLogic Software´s programs
  • Technical and non-technical articles
  • Videos (tip videos and information videos etc.)
  • Special offers

Below you can view all newsletter issues that we sent during 2016:

> 10/2016 – Most read articles, read blog posts and viewed videos
> 09/2016 – How to create a video gallery in CD-Menu Creator
> 08/2016 – How to build a setup package or menu interface silently
> 07/2016 – How to use variables in Visual Installer and CD-Menu Creator
> 06/2016 – A new button command in CD-Menu Creator makes it easier to open Excel files
> 05/2016 – Learn more about Visual Installer’s scripting language
> 04/2016 – Presentation of Visual Installer’s new User Options setup dialog box
> 03/2016 – CD-Menu Creators button commands explained
> 02/2016 – Visual Installer’s code signing function has been updated
> 01/2016 – Visual Installer has been updated with new functions

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If you want to subscribe to our newsletter you can visit the web page below:
> Subscribe to SamLogic Software’s newsletter

How to set file copy options in Visual Installer

If you right-click over a file in the File list tab in Visual Installer’s editor, a local menu is opened. In the menu there is an option with the name File copy options.

Menu - File copy options

If you click on this menu item, a dialog box with the title Copy options for file is shown. The dialog box look like:

Dialog box - Copy options for file

This dialog box is used to set various copy options for files that are copied/installed during an installation. You can for example decide if a version check must occur before the installation, if a file must be registered, if the file should be write-protected after installation etc. Below are all options in the Copy options for file dialog box described:

Check date and time
Checks a file’s date and time before it is replaced. The file will only be installed if it is newer.

Check version
Checks a file’s version number before it is replaced. The file will only be installed if it have a higher version number.

Never replace existing file
If a file with the same filename already exists in a specified folder, the file will not be installed.

Register file
Check this option if a file must be registered during the installation. Some components and DLL files require this.

Turn on write protection
Write protection will be turned on for the file after it has been installed in the hard disk.

Warn if file already exists
An information message box will be shown if the file already exists on the destination drive. The end-user can decide if the file should be replaced or not.

Make a backup if file already exists
If you check this option, a backup will be made of the file if it already exists in the destination folder. The backup file will get the filename extension “.BAK” and it will be placed in the same folder as the original file.

Replace also write protected file
If this option is checked, a file will be replaced also when it is write protected.

Handle the file if it is locked and in use
Sometimes a file can be in use during the setup process, and then it can not be replaced at that moment. If you check this option, the file will be marked in the system to be replaced next time the computer restarts (during the boot process).

Shared file
If a file is shared with other programs, you can check this option. This will prevent the file to be uninstalled by mistake.

Do not copy if same version
If this option is checked a file will not be copied if the version number of the source and destination files are equal.

Never uninstall this file
Prevent uninstallation of the file. If your project is uninstalled, the file will remain on the user’s hard disk.

Instead of right-clicking over a file to open the local popup menu, you can also open the List menu and choose File copy options there. If you need to set copy options for more than one file at once, this is also possible. Just select the files in the file list, and choose the File copy options menu item (either from the List menu or from the local popup menu).

In the Inst column in the file list you can see current copy settings for each file in the file list. More information is available in this blog post.

See also
> Visual Installer: How to register a .NET assembly
> Visual Installer: Run program as administrator

The ‘Inst’ column in the ‘File list’ tab in Visual Installer

The File list tab in Visual Installer is used to store a list of files to install. The file table contains different columns, and one of them – the Inst column – is used to show current file copy settings for each file in the file list. A letter or a special character shows which copy setting that are set for every file. Below is a list with available copy settings:

D : Check file date before copying the file.
V : Check version number before copying the file.
N : Never replace an existing file.
W : Replace also a write-protected file.
X : Warn if the file already exists on the hard disk.
A : If the file is in use (active) and locked, replace it when the computer is restarted.
B : Create a backup of the file before it is replaced.
R : Register the file in the system.
P : Write-protect the file after installation.
E : If the version number of the source and destination file is equal, do not copy.
* : Never uninstall this file.

How to change copy settings for the files in file list is explained in this blog post.

New button command in CD-Menu Creator: Open Excel File

We have added a new button command to CD-Menu Creator that may be useful for all of you that open Excel files from a menu interface created with CD-Menu Creator. The name of the command is Open Excel File, and it have some special functionality that can not be achieved with the other button commands in an easy way. You can for example send command line parameters (switches), together with a path to the Excel file, to the Microsoft Excel application.

There is a new button command in CD-Menu Creator with the name 'Open Excel File'

With the new Open Excel File command you can open the following types of Excel files: .XLS, .XLSX, .XLTX, .XLSM, and .XLTM.

You can open different kind of Excel files with the new button command

By entering command line switches in the Parameters text box in CD-Menu Creator you can control how Excel files are opened in Microsoft Excel. For example, if you enter /r in the Parameters text box, the Excel file is opened in read-only mode.

Read more about available command line switches for Excel here:

> Command-line switches for Excel (opens a page on Microsoft’s website)

The %REG1 to %REG5 variables in Visual Installer

In this blog post we explained how to use variables in Visual Installer. Many variables get their values automatically from known locations in Windows Registry, but there are also some variables in Visual Installer that can obtain their values from locations in Windows Registry that you specify.

The %REG1 to %REG5 variables
There are five variables in Visual Installer that can obtain their values from keys and value names in the Windows Registry that you specify. They have the following names: %REG1, %REG2, %REG3, %REG4, and %REG5.

How to specify a location in Registry to read
To specify a key and value name in the Registry for any of these variables, you must first open the Variables dialog box in Visual Installer’s editor. You can do this by first opening the Registry or INI files tab in Visual Installer’s editor, and then click on the Variables button, that is located at the bottom right of the editor:

The Variables button

The following dialog box will be opened if you click on the button:

List with variables

If you scroll to the bottom of the list, you will find the User variables section:

List with variables - The User variables section

As default, these variables are empty but you can specify a key and value name for them by clicking on the Change values button (in the bottom left), and then specify the information in the Change contents for variables dialog box that is opened:

The 'Change contents for variables' dialog box

To specify a key and value for example for the %REG1 variable, you need to enter the information at the %REG1 text box in the User variables section. For example like this:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SamLogic\Visual Installer\10.5 :: Path

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SamLogic\Visual Installer\10.5” is the key and “Path” is the value name. You can read more about this format in Visual Installer’s User Guide.

In the picture below we have specified keys and values for both the %REG1 variable and the %REG2 variable:

A key and value name has been specified for the REG1 and REG2 variables

You can click OK to save the keys and value names. In the Variables dialog box you will now see the information that you entered in the previous dialog box in the Contents column of the variable list. You can also see the current value for the variable (that is read from the Registry) by hovering the mouse pointer over the variable name, as shown in the picture below:

Shows the tip text function

During the installation, the %REG1 to %REG5 variables will read its contents from the end-users Registry. If no contents is available, the variables will be empty.

See also
> Your project’s bitness affects where the %REG1 to %REG5 variables get their values
> Variables in Visual Installer

Your project’s bitness affects where the %REG1 to %REG5 variables get their values

As explained in this blog post, the %REG1 to %REG5 variables in Visual Installer get their values from the Windows Registry. But you should be aware of that there are two Registry in Windows – a 32 bit Registry and a 64 bit Registry – and your project settings will decide which of these Registry to use.

If you start Visual Installer’s editor and open the Setup options dialog box and the 32/64 bit tab, and look in the Bitness (32 or 64 bit) frame, you will see that there are two options that decide if the installation project is a 32 bit project or a 64 bit project (see the picture below):

The Setup options dialog box

If you install 32 bit files you should select the first option (The program that will be installed is 32 bit) and if you install 64 bit files you should select the second option (The program that will be installed is 64 bit). The first option is always selected as default.

These options will also affect where the %REG1 to %REG5 variables get their values. If you have selected The program that will be installed is 32 bit, the variables will get their values from the 32 bit Registry and if you select The program that will be installed is 64 bit, the variables will get their values from 64 bit Registry.

There are two Registry editors in Windows
You should also be aware of that there exist two Registry editors in Windows. One of them handles the 32 bit Registry and one of them handles the 64 bit Registry. The filename of the Registry editor is always the same, regedt32.exe, but you can launch the different versions from different folders in Windows:

32 bit version: C:\Windows\SysWOW64
64 bit version: C:\Windows\System32

See also
> The %REG1 to %REG5 variables in Visual Installer
> The ‘Program Files (x86)’ and ‘SysWOW64’ folders explained

Which video formats does CD-Menu Creator support?

In CD-Menu Creator you can add a video clip or a movie to a menu interface. You can show the video directly in a menu window, or you can show the video in a separate window that is opened when the end-user clicks on a menu button.

Supported video formats
Using a video in a menu interface may improve the end-user´s first impression of your product, but when you select a video to a menu you should be aware of the following two things:

– Not all video formats are supported by CD-Menu Creator
– Not all CODECs are supported by default in Windows

We recommend you to choose a video that is saved in the MPEG or WMV format. Or an AVI video that you know uses a basic CODEC (coder-decoder) that all Windows support. Be aware of that many AVI videos has been created with a CODEC that not all end-user´s Windows support by default. The end-user must have same CODEC installed in the computer that was used when the video was created, otherwise the video can not be shown.

Avoid MPEG-4
Today many create videos in the MPEG-4 (MP4) format, but it is not recommended to select a MPEG-4 video to a menu created with CD-Menu Creator. Although many end-users will have a media player that can play the MPEG-4 video, the necessary CODEC is often not available for other software without a separate installation of the CODEC. So therefore, to reduce the risk for problem, we recommend you to avoid MPEG-4 files with CD-Menu Creator.

We recommend you to test the menu in an empty Window
To be sure that the video you added to a menu will be played without any problem, we recommend you to test the menu in a computer with an empty Windows (a computer where only Windows but no other software has been installed). It can be a virtual computer or physical computer.

By testing the menu and the video in a computer with an empty Windows, you will discover if the video is dependent of a CODEC that is not installed by default in Windows.

Summary – Supported video formats / filename extensions
When you select a video file to a CD-Menu Creator menu, you should select a file with one of the following filename extensions:

.MPG or .MPEG : (MPEG) Recommended format, works almost always.
.WMV : (WMV) Recommended format, works almost always.
.AVI : (AVI) Works if a proper CODEC has been chosen to the video.

If you have a video file with the .MP4 filename extension, we recommend you to convert it to one of the video formats above. There are many conversation programs that can be downloaded from the Internet that makes the conversion. Or even better, if it is possible, contact the source and try to get the same video in one of the video formats mentioned above.

Variables in Visual Installer

If you have used a programming language before you are probably very familiar with variables. If not, you can read this Wikipedia article to get a basic knowledge about variables.

Also Visual Installer can handle variables. Most variables are automatically set during the setup process and are used to handle for example drive letters, system folders, application folders, date, time, license keys, version information etc. Variables can also be used to retrieve values from the Registry in Windows.

Variables can be used in many places in Visual Installer, for example in all main tabs in the editor (e.g. File list, Registry, INI files, Components tabs etc.). Variables can also be used with the most setup dialog boxes in Visual Installer and with the scripting language.

The %DESTDIR variable
One of the most used variables in Visual Installer is the %DESTDIR variable. This variable contains the main destination folder for the setup project. The contents is read from the Main folder text box in the File list tab.

The 'Main folder' text box

In the main folder text box it is common to include the %PROGRAMFILES variable. The %PROGRAMFILES variable will be replaced with the current path to the Program Files folder in Windows during the installation. We explain more in this blog post:

> Visual Installer: How do I install files to the Program Files folder?

List with variables
You can open and view a list with all available variables in the Visual Installer editor. If you open for example the Registry tab in the editor and clicks on the Variables button, the following window is opened:

List with variables

In the Variables window you can see a list of all available variables in Visual Installer. To get a description of each variable, you can press the F1 key.

(If you double-click on a variable name in the Variables window, the variable will be inserted at the cursors position, if a text editor was active before you clicked the Variables button.)

Environment variables
Visual Installer can also handle Windows environment variables. You can read more about this in the following blog post:

> Using environment variables in Visual Installer