CD-Menu Creator - Frequently Asked Questions

In this section you
will find answers to common questions about the menu designer
tool SamLogic CD-Menu Creator.
You will find answers to both general questions and questions about
specific functions in the program.
If you have a question that
are not answered in this FAQ page, or in the program
documention, you are welcome to send an e-mail to and ask your question.
What's the difference
in function between the full version and the demo (trial) version?
The demo (trial) version only works
for 30 days and there is an information text ("SamLogic
CD-Menu Creator - Demo") on the created menu
interfaces. This information
text is removed in the full (paid) version. The menus created
with the demo (trial) version are fully functional also after 30 days,
but no new menus can be created when the time is up.
What's the difference
in function between the full version and the shareware version?
The shareware version only works
for 30 days and there is an information text ("Created
by SamLogic CD-Menu Creator...") on the created menu
interfaces. This information
text is removed in the full (paid) version. The menus created
with the shareware version are fully functional also after 30 days,
but no new menus can be created when the time is up.
Does the paid version
display the "Created by SamLogic CD-Menu Creator..."
or "SamLogic CD-Menu Creator - Demo" text in a menu?
No. As mentioned above, this
text is only shown in the demo and shareware version of CD-Menu
Creator. From
this order page you can purchase a full version of SamLogic
CD-Menu Creator.
I have an older version
of CD-Menu Creator. Can I upgrade to the latest version for a lower
Yes, if you have an older of
version of CD-Menu Creator you can upgrade to the latest version
to a reduced price. The current upgrade price is $59 (€49).
You can upgrade
from this order
If I buy a license
of CD-Menu Creator. Is there any additional costs, for example must
I pay some fee for every menu I distribute?
No. There are no additional costs.
When you have bought a license of CD-Menu Creator you can use the
tool to create and distribute so many menus you want.
In how many computers can I install one license of CD-Menu
The license is per user. So if
you, for example, need to install CD-Menu Creator both at your office
and in your home you can do it. If another user want to use CD-Menu
Creator he/she must buy a new license.
I bought a license
of CD-Menu Creator before and need to download it again, but the
download link has expired. What should I do?
It is possible to get a download
link to a sharp version of CD-Menu Creator again. Click one of
the links below to read more:
- If you want to have a download
link to the latest product version,
read more here.
- If you want to have a download link to an old product version,
read more here.
What is your refund
You can read our refund policy on
this web page.
Operating systems
which operating
systems can CD-Menu Creator be used with?
CD-Menu Creator can be used with the Microsoft Windows
operating system. Detailed information about which versions of
Windows that are supported by CD-Menu Creator is available
on this page.
Can CD-Menu Creator
be run with standard privileges on a Windows system?
The created menu interfaces can be
run using only standard privileges. And the editor can be run
with standard privileges in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows
8 and Windows 10. In Windows XP it is recommended to run the
editor with administrator privileges. The setup
program (that installs the CD-Menu Creator editor etc.) always needs
administrator privileges so it can install and register the
necessary components in the system.
Can CD-Menu Creator
be used with a Mac?
No. CD-Menu Creator does not support
Mac. CD-Menu Creator and its created menus can only be used with
a Windows computer.
Installation and
Do you have a
page with installation and uninstallation instructions?
Yes, we have a page with
installation and uninstallation instructions. You can
open this page to get all necessary information.
Program Functions
Is it possible to create
CD's and DVD's with more than one menu?
Yes, you can create menu interfaces
with multiple menus. In the help documentation for CD-Menu Creator
you can find a description and an example of how to create menu
system with many menus. You can select the menu item "Help - Contents"
and then click on the "CD/DVD with more than one menu" link to read
a detailed description about this.
Can I create menus
that will be run on USB flash drive instead of a CD or DVD?
Yes. You can create menu
interfaces for USB flash drives with CD-Menu
Creator. But there are som differences in how it is functioning.
You can read more about that in this
technical article.
Can I test the menu
before I burn it on a CD or DVD?
Yes, you can preview the menu
and run it on your harddrive.
Is there any tips &
tricks page available for CD-Menu Creator?
Yes, we have a tips & tricks
page here.
There you will find many useful tips for how to use CD-Menu
Creator in the best way.