Tip: How to use emojis in MultiMailer

In MultiMailer it is possible to use emojis in newsletters. You can use emojis in a subject line or in the email text itself.

Emojis are graphic symbols with different motifs that are a kind of further development of smilies, which have existed for a while in the e-mail context. Emojis are now included in the Unicode character system, which means that they can be inserted into regular emails and displayed correctly by email recipients. Pretty much all devices, email readers and operating systems support emojis today. Below are some examples of emojis:

🍓 🌞 ⚽ 😎

EmojipediaLists of emojis suitable for e-mail are available on the web. A good one is the website Emojipedia, which has divided the emojis into categories. You can also search for specific emojis on the website. In order for you to be able to quickly and easily open this website from MultiMailer, we have added a menu option in the Help menu called Emojis. If you select this menu option, the Emojipedia website will open.

We will use Emojipedia for the tip below. But there are also other lists. Further down in this tip, we list some options.
To insert an emoji into a subject line:
1. Start MultiMailer and open the Newsletter tab.

2. Open the Emojipedia website (for example by selecting the menu item Help - Emojis in MultiMailer or by clicking on the link at the beginning of this sentence).

Help - Emojis

3. Click on a category of emojis at Categories on the web page. Alternatively, search for an emoji via the search box that appears on the web page.

4. Select and click on the emoji you want to use.

Copy5. Click the Copy button on the web page. The emoji is now copied to the clipboard.

6. Return to MultiMailer.

7. In MultiMailer, paste the emoji at Subject in the Newsletter tab where you want it. Paste by either:

- right-click and select Paste from the menu that appears
- press the keyboard combination Ctrl Shift V or Shift Insert

The emoji will be inserted at the cursor position.
To insert an emoji into an email text:
1. Start MultiMailer and open the Newsletters tab.

2. Open the Emojipedia website (for example by selecting the menu item Help - Emojis in MultiMailer or by clicking on the link at the beginning of this sentence).

Help - Emojis

3. Click on a category of emojis at Categories on the web page. Alternatively, search for an emoji via the search box that appears on the web page.

4. Select and click on the emoji you want to use.

Copy5. Click the Copy button on the web page. The emoji is now copied to the clipboard.

6. Return to MultiMailer.

7. Paste the emoji in the large main text box in the Newsletter tab in MultiMailer at the position you want to have it inserted. Paste by pressing the keyboard combination Ctrl V or Shift Insert. The emoji will be inserted at the cursor position.

FAQ about emojis

Do all emojis work with recipients?
Support for emojis is widespread today, but it may be a good idea to test your chosen emoji against different email clients because different emojis have been around for different lengths of time in the Unicode system, and there is a risk that if you choose an emoji that is too recent, it not supported by all email clients. But the best thing is simply to try. (A list of the very newest emojis can be found on this page.)

Why is there sometimes a black square instead of an emoji in MultiMailer?
In some cases, the emoji is too new for Windows or for MultiMailer. The list of emojis is constantly updated, and operating systems and programs can sometimes be a little behind here. To be on the safe side, you can choose a different emoji.

Does it matter which version of Windows I'm running MultiMailer on?
We strongly recommend that you run MultiMailer in Windows 10 or Windows 11 because emojis are a fairly new feature and support in older Windows is poor. However, it also works in Windows 7 and 8, in case you have the "Arial Unicode" font installed in your system. In Windows 10, "Arial Unicode" is not required.

Why do emojis look different on different email clients?
There is no exact standard for how an emoji must look, but different operating systems and different email clients make their own interpretation. However, the meaning/symbolism of an emoji is usually the same, regardless of recipient.

Why doesn't the emoji look the same in MultiMailer as it does in the recipients?
For the same reasons as above. Different software draws the emoji in slightly different ways. Before you definitely decide to use a certain emoji, try sending an email with that emoji inserted in different email clients. Then you will see how it looks with the recipients.

Where can I find a list of emojis?
Here are a couple of websites with complete lists of the emojis that work with email:

Get Emoji
Emoji Copy

See also
We recommend also:
Using Emoji & Symbols in Your Email Subject Lines
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