Tip: How to prevent an installation in wrong Windows version

If your application only can be run in specific versions of Windows (for example in Windows Vista and later) you can set Visual Installer to check which Windows version the user has, and then warn or stop the installation if the Windows version is not supported by your software. This will prevent user's from running programs in operating systems that are not supported.

In the tip below, we will show how to create an installation that can only be installed in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. If the user has another version of Windows, for example Windows XP, an information box is shown and the installation is stopped.
How to prevent an installation in wrong version of Windows:
1. Start Visual Installer and open your current installation project, or create a new project.

2. Select the Setup options menu item from the Special menu:
Special - Setup options
3. In the dialog box that is shown, open the Operating Systems tab.

4. Clear all check boxes except those for Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.
5. Select the Stop the installation option in the If wrong operating system group.
    The dialog box should look like this:
The 'Setup options' dialog box
6. Close the dialog box by pressing the OK button.
7. Create an installation and test the installation in different versions of Windows.

The installer will only allow an installation in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. If someone tries to install your software in another version of Windows, for example in Windows XP, Visual Installer will show an information message box and stop the installation.

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